Digital History of Philosophy: Preserving Academic Culture in Turbulent Times

Digital History of Philosophy: Preserving Academic Culture in Turbulent Times

What is Digital History of Philsoophy? About the project

The field of Digital History of Philosophy aims to apply its research and educational efforts focused on the examination, compilation, and progression of knowledge pertaining to the methods, formats, and dissemination of philosophy in the digital age. This project serves the purpose of studying, collecting, and advancing our understanding of how philosophy operates in the digital era. Its objectives encompass a comprehensive exploration of the methods, forms, and ways in which philosophy is disseminated, contributing to the evolution and enhancement of philosophical knowledge within the digital realm.  

Methodological Inquiry into Digital History of Philosophy 

The starting point for the project is an examination of methodological bacjground for sigital hsitryo of philosophy. The  tools will be examined:

The field of Digital Humanities has witnessed numerous successful projects that have used innovative methods and tools to generate new knowledge in philosophy. Current project follows in this tradition by employing historical and philosophical methods to systemize, classify, and create digital tools for philosophical research in a broad sense.

Philosophical research typically revolves around textual analysis, employing various methods for studying, commenting on, and representing texts. In today's digital age, philosophical texts exist in digital formats with unique features such as screen layouts, visual elements, multimodal languages, and more. The Digital History of Philosophy critically examines these specific features of digital philosophical texts and collects methods for their analysis.

Understanding how we perceive and engage with digital data in a phenomenological sense is a crucial dimension of the Digital History of Philosophy. By exploring the subjective experience of interacting with digital multimodal data, the project aims to deepen our understanding of the impact of digital mediums on philosophical thought.

The years 2020-2022, marked by the pandemic, highlighted the importance of a comprehensive understanding of digital formats for philosophical education. The project recognizes the need for a digital turn in humanities and strives to develop and enhance the content and tools of digital learning. By offering a range of options, the Digital History of Philosophy contributes to the preservation of educational traditions, particularly during times of conflict or limited access to traditional learning environments.

The Digital History of Philosophy actively supports open online events dedicated to the history of philosophy, with a specific focus on its digital aspects. By organizing and participating in such events, the project aims to facilitate scientific communication, preserve academic culture, and foster diversity within the academic community.

This project seeks to develop the idea of using , analysis of digital texts, exploration of perception in the digital realm, creation of educational resources, and the promotion of scientific communication and academic culture. 

Halyna Ilina

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Philosophy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Co-Founder of the Society for Digital History of Philosophy